Published by John Ross, Senior Fellow Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China

Trump assesses in what order to attack other countries

Trump started his second presidency with apparently contradictory foreign pol...

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The news is full of headlines about ‘China’s economi...

Once again, the Western media Establishment, and sadly some on the left, are ...

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My Thoughts on Receiving China’s Top Book Award for ...

In June I was one of the recipients of the Special Book Award of China. The o...

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About us

China's rise is the world's most important economic and geopolitical process. As Senior Fellow at Chongyang Institute, Renmin University of China, one of China's most important Think Tanks, I follow it from Beijing. I have been writing on China for 25 years and as readers can check from the public record the understanding of fundamental dynamics in China has been proved correct - unlike most of the Western media.