Europe’s crisis & the Euro – predicted in advance

IntroductionThe following article, published in September 1996, that is prior to the creation of the Euro, accurately predicted in advance from fundamental economic theory the basic contradictions in the way the Euro was created and the crisis it would lead to in Europe. It predicted: ‘The proposal to create a single European currency, through the methods…

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Deng Xiaoping & John Maynard Keynes

Introduction ​The international importance of China’s economy is twofold. The first is practical – the scale of China’s economic growth, its global impact, and the consequences for the improvement of the social conditions of China and the world’s population. The second is theoretical, including the potential international applicability of conclusions drawn from China’s economic policies.…

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The Relation of China’s Dream and the Human Dream

  The following speech on why China’s economic, geopolitical and foreign policy thinking is the world’s most advanced, and on certain features of Chinese classical culture and its relation to the modern global order, was given by me to the 7th World Forum on China Studies in Shanghai. First, thank you very much for the…

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The US is attempting to impose an international ‘economic dictatorship’

The US issuing almost simultaneously a series of economic ‘demands’ to China, and withdrawing from the nuclear arms agreement with Iran and re-imposing sanctions on that country, has now led to very wide layers understanding that actions by the US administration are at present attempting to de facto impose an international ‘economic dictatorship’.This is a…

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A “nova mediocridade” do Ocidente e a ascensão econômica da China

N​o recente artigo “A chegada do século da economia chinesa”[1], Justin Yifu Lin, ex-economista-chefe do Banco Mundial, argumentou que o centro mundial da teoria econômica passaria para a China. “Eu também fiz uma previsão. No século 21, é bem possível que muitos mestres em Economia despontem a partir do estudo da economia chinesa. A importância…

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A ‘must read’ article on current China-India disputes by a leading Indian analyst

  Prem Shankar Jha is a leading Indian journalist, columnist and former editor of the Hindustan Times, New Delhi. He has published an outstanding analysis of current dangerous China-India disputes, which centre on Bhutan, written from an Indian perspective ‘India-China: Differences, disputes and deadlock’. The whole article is a ‘must read’ but a few excerpts…

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The US trade deficit is ‘Made in the USA’ not ‘Made in China’

  China’s tactical response to the US administration’s arbitrary proposed tariffs against China, as well as unjustified US official and unofficial sanctions against Chinese companies such as ZTE and Huawei, must take many factors into account. Some of these can be known only to those directly involved in negotiations. Therefore, the following analysis is not…

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