
Foreign Policy

A ‘must read’ article on current China-India disputes

Prem Shankar Jha is a leading Indian journalist, columnist and former editor of the Hindustan Times, New Delhi. He has published an outstanding analysis of ...
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How Xi Jinping’s Marxism out-thinks the West

The Hamburg G20 summit was a further stage in a process that has been developing strongly during the  2017: a recognition that a new stage ...
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The real reason for the US South China Sea provocation

On July 12, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague issued a pre-arranged declaration supporting some Philippines claims against China in the South China ...
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The US is attempting to impose an international ‘economic dictatorship’

The US issuing almost simultaneously a series of economic ‘demands’ to China, and withdrawing from the nuclear arms agreement with Iran and re-imposing sanctions on ...
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A “nova mediocridade” do Ocidente e a ascensão econômica da China

N​o recente artigo “A chegada do século da economia chinesa”[1], Justin Yifu Lin, ex-economista-chefe do Banco Mundial, argumentou que o centro mundial da teoria econômica ...
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China is most promising hope for Third World: Fidel

By far the two largest groups of socialists in the world are in China, in the tradition created by Mao Zedong, and in Latin America ...
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Chinese and Latin American socialists meet and honour the achievements of Fidel Castro.

On 27 November socialists from China and Latin America met in China at the fifth Forum on the Left and Socialism in Latin America and ...
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Why do Cubans live longer than Americans?

Cubans live almost a year longer than Americans. So it must come as news to them that Trump says socialism in Cuba has produced 'anguish ...
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Why the Latin American left, & the left in other countries, need to study China’s economic success

From 2000 until recently the left was in government in most Latin American countries. This left had enormous achievements to be hugely proud of. It ...
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China and Russia further strengthen links after 19th Communist Party of China Congress

Immediately following the conclusion of the 19th Communist Party of China (CPC) Congress a series of discussions and meetings between top Chinese and Russian leaders ...
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