

Here’s why China and BRICS will drive global economic growth

It is frequently underestimated just how dependent world economic growth is on only a few countries. Strikingly, on the IMF’s latest projections, the majority of ...
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Why China will grow rich long before it grows old

One of the biggest myths about China's economic growth, which is the greatest in a major country in human history, is that it is primarily due ...
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Why the US remains locked in slow growth

SummaryThe latest US economic data confirms the US remains locked in a prolonged period of slow growth with major consequences for geopolitics and destabilising consequences ...
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Why do Western economies have hard landings but China doesn’t?

​IntroductionThe media outside China periodically carries predictions of a China ‘hard landing’. For example George Soros grabbed headlines earlier this year by declaring of China: ...
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The damaging blind alley of US protectionism

​The damaging blind alley of US protectionismThe following article deals with the costs to the US economy of protectionism. The specific case it deals with ...
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China lacks innovation? Take another look

​Until recently, the big myth about China's companies was their lack of innovation. That view is now being reassessed in a series of Western studies ...
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A damaging confusion in Western economics books

Economics textbooks, particularly when discussing Keynes, frequently contain an elementary economic confusion - it should be made explicit this is a confusion in the textbooks ...
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Why China won’t suffer a Western type financial crisis

Inaccurate articles sometimes appear claiming China faces a "severe debt crisis." Factually these are easily refuted. Changyong Rhee, the IMF's Asia and Pacific Department director, ...
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Why neo-liberalism destabilised US politics

Political destabilisationBoth the Anglo-Saxon countries, the US and UK, which adopted neo-liberal Reaganite/Thatcherite policies are experiencing deep political destabilisation. Trump’s nomination as Republication Presidential candidate ...
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The most important book on economic growth to have appeared for many years

Vu Minh Khuong's The Dynamics of Economic Growth is the most important book on world economic growth to have appeared for many years. It is for that reason (full ...
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