
Economic Development

Why China’s social achievements are even greater than its economic ones

​Attempts are sometimes made to claim that China’s gigantic economic growth, the greatest in a major economy in human history, and its measurable increases in household ...
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Why did China grow so fast?

​My article 'China's socialist model outperforms capitalism’ established factually two key conclusions for global economic and social development. First, that the fastest growing economies since ...
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China faces slower Western growth than in the Great Depression

Introduction - the situation in the global economy since 2008​China is used, after repeated experiences, to the ‘China is in/about to enter a deep crisis/hard ...
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Why are China and India growing so fast?

The world’s two most rapidly growing major economies are China and India. Both China and India show a common pattern of development which differs sharply ...
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Growth in the G7 ‘Great Stagnation’ will be slower than in the Great Depression!

The Western G7 economies are in, and will remain locked in, very slow growth. How slow this growth is can be seen starkly by taking ...
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China’s ‘socialist development strategy’ outperformed Western alternatives

This article finds that the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th fastest growing economies during the period since the putting forward of the neo-liberal ‘Washington Consensus’ ...
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Solar power illustrates China’s manufacturing future

The decisive global role being played by China in leading the way in the development of renewable energy is now being recognised in the Western ...
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Socialist policies can help famine-stricken countries

An immense human catastrophe is threatening in parts of Africa and in Yemen. As the Washington Post wrote in February: "The world is in the grip ...
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China is the greatest economic growth in human history

Despite increasing media reporting on China’s economy there is still a fundamental underestimation of the sheer scale of China’s economic growth. It is not generally ...
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Why China will grow rich long before it grows old

One of the biggest myths about China's economic growth, which is the greatest in a major country in human history, is that it is primarily due ...
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