On Saturday 10 July there will be the launch of the book China’s Great Road by John Ross. Speakers will include Vijay Prashad, Radhika Desai, Tings Chak, Dai Suyue, Joshua Jackson, Kenny Coyle, Carlos Martinez and John Ross.
China’s Great Road expands and deepens many of the analyses published on the Learning from China website. In particular it analyses why China achieved the fastest economic growth in human history, how it lifted 853 million people from World Bank defined poverty, how it achieved the fastest increase in living standards in any major country. It shows why China is a socialist country and not a capitalist one.
The book launch will be at 14:00 British time, 09:00 Eastern Standard Time, and 19:00 China time.
The meeting is sponsored by Learning from China, the Morning Star, Friends of Socialist China and the Geopolitical Economy Research Group.
To register for this event please click on https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/understanding-chinas-socialism-book-launch-event-for-chinas-great-road-tickets-161627473123